In order to address the Data Governance Act's (DGA) new requirements, this work investigates how to apply existing Semantic Web vocabularies, such as the W3C's Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV), Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) or Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT), to (1) generate machine-readable policies for the reuse of public data, (2) specify data altruism consent terms, and (3) create uniform registries of data altruism organisations and intermediation services' providers as the usage of such technologies promotes machine readability and interoperability. Existing gaps in the representation of terms for such use cases are covered by the proposed DGAterms vocabulary.


DGAterms aims to promote existing specifications and provide a set of additional terms to express DGA-related use-cases in order to:


DGAterms provides terms based on the Data Governance Act (DGA) to represent policies, notices, records of activities, consent and permission terms and public registers related to the activities of data altruism organisations and data intermediation service providers, as well as public sector bodies and single information point providers.

The Base concepts correspond to the core concepts which currently do not have match any of the taxonomies in the Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV), such as reuse requests or public registers. In addition, terms related to Legal Bases are provided to ground the processing of data in DGA's mandated legal bases.

The Processing and Processing sections describe new processing operations and entities introduced in the DGA. The Purposes can be provided to justify the entities data handling activities, including data altruism.

The Technical and Organisational Measures and Processing sections describe new types of technical and organisational measures and data categories introduced in the DGA. The Standard and Risk and impacts sections include general concepts to represent standards, as well as risks, impacts and consequences introduced in the DGA.

The Service and Technology sections describe data intermediation and single information point services and technologies and technology actors. The Public registers and Rights sections provide terms to represent public registers of entities, including data altruism organisations and intermediation service providers, and rights prescribed by the DGA.

Base concepts

Processing concepts

Entity concepts

Purpose concepts

TOM concepts

Technical measures

Organisational measures

Data concepts

Standard concepts

Risk and impact concepts

Service concepts

Technology concepts

Public register concepts

Right concepts

Using DGAterms

In this Section, we use DGAterms as well as other W3C standards and specifications, such as W3C's ODRL, DCAT and DPV, to create Linked Data versions of policies, consent and permission terms, public registers and records of activities.

Data reuse policy

ODRL Offer policy set by the Public Sector Body X that permits the re-use of a dataset until the end of 2023 for scientific research.
ex:policy_001 a odrl:Offer, dgaterms:DataReusePolicy ;
    odrl:uid ex:policy_001 ;
    odrl:permission [
        odrl:target ex:dataset_001 ;
        odrl:action dgaterms:Reuse ;
        odrl:assigner ex:publicsectorbodyX ;
        odrl:constraint [
            odrl:and [
                odrl:leftOperand odrl:dateTime ;
                odrl:operator odrl:lteq ;
                odrl:rightOperand "2023-12-31"^^xsd:date
            ], [
                odrl:leftOperand odrl:purpose ;
                odrl:operator odrl:isA ;
                odrl:rightOperand dgaterms:ScientificResearch 
    ] .
ex:publicsectorbodyX a dgaterms:PublicSectorBody ;
    dpv:hasName "Public Sector Body X" ;
    dpv:hasContact "" ;
    dgaterms:hasCompetentBody [
        a dgaterms:DataReuseCompetentBody ;
        dpv:hasName "Competent Body X" ;
        dpv:hasContact ""
    ] .

Data asset list

Data asset list maintained by the Single Information Point Provider A.
ex:SIPPA_assets a dgaterms:DataAssetList, dcat:Catalog ;
    dcterms:description "Asset list maintained by SIPPA" ;
    dcterms:created "2022-12-10"^^xsd:date ;
    dcterms:publisher ex:SIPPA ; 
    dcat:dataset ex:dataset_001 .

ex:SIPPA a dgaterms:SingleInformationPointProvider .

ex:dataset_001 a dgaterms:StatisticallyConfidentialData ;
    dcterms:description "Dataset with statistically confidential data" ;
    dcterms:created "2022-12-04"^^xsd:date ;
    dcterms:publisher ex:publicsectorbodyX ;
    odrl:hasPolicy ex:policy_001 ;
    dgaterms:hasFee "0€"^^xsd:string ;
    dcat:mediaType <> ;
    dcterms:extent "5.6MB"^^xsd:string .

Public register of data intermediation service providers

Example of a public register of data intermediation service providers.
ex:publicregistry_DI_PT a dgaterms:RegisterOfDataIntermediationServiceProviders ;
    dcterms:description "Public register of intermediaries working in PT" ;
    dcterms:created "2023-12-15"^^xsd:date ; 
    dcterms:modified "2023-12-23"^^xsd:date ;
    dcterms:publisher ex:nationalauthority_PT ;
    dgaterms:hasDataIntermediationServiceProvider ex:DISP_Y .

ex:nationalauthority_PT a dgaterms:DataIntermediationAuthority ;
    dpv:hasName "Data Intermediation Authority of Portugal" ;
    dpv:hasContact "" ;
    dpv:hasJurisdiction "PT" .

ex:DISP_Y a dgaterms:DataCooperative ;
    dpv:hasName "Data Cooperative Y" ; 
    dpv:hasAddress "Lisboa, Portugal" ;
    dcterms:description "Provider of anonymised geolocation data" ;
    dcat:landingPage <> ;
    dcterms:date "2023-12-23"^^xsd:date .

Data altruism activity logs

Example of a register of data altruism activity logs.
ex:altruism_logs a dgaterms:RegisterOfDataIAltruismActivity ;
    dcterms:description "Activity logs of the Data Altruism Organisation A" ;
    dcterms:created "2023-11-04"^^xsd:date ; 
    dcterms:modified "2023-11-13"^^xsd:date ;
    dcterms:publisher ex:altruism_A ; 
    dgaterms:hasActivityLogs ex:log_001 .

ex:altruism_A a dgaterms:DataAltruismOrganisation ;
    dpv:hasName "Data Altruism Organisation A" ;
    dpv:hasAddress "Lisboa, Portugal" ;
    dcat:landingPage <> .

ex:log_001 a dgaterms:AltruismActivityLog ;
    dcterms:created "2023-11-13"^^xsd:date ;
    dgaterms:hasDataUser ex:userZ ; 
    dgaterms:hasFee "1000€"^^xsd:string ;
    dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
        dcterms:description "Download and reuse anonymised health records to improve healthcare" ;
        dpv:hasDuration 6226453 ;
        dpv:hasPurpose dgaterms:DataAltruism, dgaterms:ImproveHealthcare ;
        dpv:hasProcessing dgaterms:Download, dgaterms:Reuse ;
        dpv:hasPersonalData pd:HealthRecord ;
        dpv:hasTechnicalMeasure dpv:Anonymisation
    ] .

ex:userZ a dgaterms:DataUser ; 
    dpv:hasName "Data User Z" ;
    dpv:hasContact "" .
Data altruism form where data subject Anne consents to the usage of their location data for the altruistic purpose of improving mobility.
ex:consentForm_001 a dgaterms:EuropeanDataAltruismConsentForm ;
    dpv:hasIdentifier <> ;
    dpv:hasDataSubject ex:Anne ; 
    dpv:isIndicatedBy ex:Anne ;
    dpv:isIndicatedAtTime "2022-12-14" ;
    dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
        dpv:hasPurpose dgaterms:DataAltruism, dgaterms:ImproveTransportMobility ;
        dpv:hasLegalBasis eu-gdpr:A6-1-a ;
        dpv:hasPersonalData pd:Location ;
        dpv:hasProcessing dpv:Use, dpv:Store ;
        dpv:hasDataController [
            a dpv:DataController, dgaterms:DataAltruismOrganisation ;
            dpv:hasName "Company A" ] ] .

Altruism permission terms

Permission for data altruism where data holder A allows the usage of their anonymised data for the altruistic purpose of providing official statistics.
ex:permissionForm_001 a dpv:Permission ;
    dpv:hasIdentifier <> ;
    dgaterms:hasDataHolder ex:dataHolderA ; 
    dpv:isIndicatedBy ex:dataHolderA ;
    dpv:isIndicatedAtTime "2022-12-15" ;
    dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
        dpv:hasPurpose dgaterms:DataAltruism, dgaterms:ProvideOfficialStatistics ;
        dpv:hasLegalBasis dgaterms:A2-6 ; 
        dpv:hasData dpv:AnonymisedData ;
        dpv:hasProcessing dpv:Use, dpv:Store ;
        dpv:hasDataController [
            a dpv:DataController, dgaterms:DataAltruismOrganisation ;
            dpv:hasName "Company A" ] ] .